As previously mentioned the catalyst that sparked my depression was not a death in the family or anything like that, just a crazy remark that sparked a whole series of events which although the cause is not the subject of this blog.
The events that were related to the crazy remark are now resolved – good I hear you say everything will be back to normal – No it is not, as there are knock on effects that I have to deal with, again these events are not the subject of this blog.
It is how I will cope from here on in. I need to re evaluate things and how I am going to be going forward. One of those initially involved eMailed me – so not rushing in I am thinking of an appropriate response – initial reaction was ‘go away’ or words to that effect! Meanwhile they have sent a message via facebook thinking I have not received the original eMail. They are obviously so arrogant to think that I have not replied because I have not received the eMail rather than I am not sure if I want to contacted them again!
Still the dilemma remains – do I want to make contact with them again or not – we had all been close friends for a long time before this started. I am still pondering if I want to contact them or no, although the eMail makes clear only one of the group does want to make contact with me – ironically, it is not the sender but I would have to go through them.
I had been feeling quite good about things, but this has upset me again, so I whilst I ponder I will just continue to CHILL!