Through Twitter, I have followed links to other people’s blogs and daily papers. Some I have read but not looked at again, others I have ‘Followed’ some I just lurk and look periodically.
A couple of blogs have affected me by their writing
1 Poems and their stories - A selection of poems by Kirsten Shaw
2 Me and my shadow - earl of bootyopia
I am not usually a fan of poetry, but Kirsten’s poems are easy to understand and often contain an explanation of the meaning or why they have been written. I find it easy to relate to the pain and loneliness in some of her poems. They make me realise that I am not alone in feeling loss.
The other blog, on depression has really affected me. I wondered why it had affected me so much. I think it was because I could relate to most of what had been written and maybe I had been depressed for much longer that I thought. I have always felt I am not as good as my siblings, colleagues, friends and my best is never enough.
I recently tweeted about losing followers on twitter I said that if I was unfollowed it was because they found me uninteresting. Some lovely people told me I was talking rubbish, but I felt I was just being honest, not false modestly or looking for a compliment from others, but because that is how I genuinely feel.
After reading Earl of Bootyopia’s blog I decided that it was about time I posted the forms off for some counselling, I had been thinking about it for a while, especially after going to one of the Time For Change Roadshows. So I sent off the form, and now two weeks later I have an appointment for tomorrow with a counsellor. Not sure what to expect, but I shall see what happens as I’m going with an open mind - albeit a poorly mind !
It all helps to learn to chill and relax and be less stressed, so thank you to all the bloggers out there, you never know who is reading and you never know you may be helping them.
Thank you
ps - please tick the reactions box ! thanks
Update - been for my first counselling session, the counsellor was lovely, didn't make me feel an idiot or stupid and am going back next week