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Thursday, 17 February 2011

Cloak of Despair

Sometimes on my bad days a little comment or action makes me feel terrible.  It feels as if I am wrapped snugly in a cloak of despair which after a while becomes like a warm bed on a cold morning, not wanting to move the covers and be faced with an icy blast from the cold room air.

The way out of the depression does not have a nagging alarm clock forcing me to leap of the bed to switch it off.  Instead it is hard work to find a way to dislodge the comfort of the cloak.  It is not a conscious decision at the time, but looking back on the episode it does seem something so little that sparks such a large reaction

It occasionally can be another comment that lifts the cloak, more often than not it lingers until the next day.  I am learning to try to stop the cloak wrapping around and engulfing me, or at least reduce the time of feeling terrible.

Just having to say CHILL as I'm still learning to chill  !!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

bad day at work

Terrible day at work, started badly and just went downhill from then.
Had to do three things at once, no supplies, then felt as if I was being told off by my manager and I started to panic.

I just kept saying CHILL to calm me down and to stop the panic feelings turning into a panic attack.

I was described by customer as a "sh*t" to a colleague, who then told me.  I didn't need to know that I knew what I'd said had been taken the wrong way.

The positive thing was I did NOT have a panic attack and managed to control the feelings of doom and gloom which was good.

Just kept saying CHILL as silly as it sounds really did help this time

Monday, 7 February 2011

chilling at work

I am being laughed at by my colleagues in a good way that just adds to me being eccentric.  
Instead of stressing over little things I now just say 
Instead of eating cakes, chocolates, biscuits or other such really really nice things I have been heard to say
they are the work of the devil just making my hips fat
being laughed with instead of laughed help with my self esteem, it is still a mixture of good and bad days but the days of utter despair are thankfully reducing 

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Slight over reaction ??

My work roster is complied and published electronically - but as any computer programmer knows - 
Computers don't make mistakes people do
but we mustn't complain about the roster as it is unprofessional and is taken as a person insult to those completing the roster.   Apparently I'm not going to another location to work - the computer has made a mistake so I have been upset for no reason at all....
I'm not fuming about this, just learning to chill 

Friday, 4 February 2011

Bad day Yuuuuk

Today is a bad day but since this is an all inclusive blog then I'm not going to spare the details.  I can not remember what comment triggered a terrible reaction and deep sense of self loathing, I just know how I felt.  I had a row, and went off, I knew I wanted to do something bad to myself - not sure what but I didn't trust myself to go home.

Instead I went to the local shopping centre to wander round and have a coffee.  I walked around feeling closed in, cold, very very very low not wanting to be here, had started to make a plan, but knew I shouldn't so news paper and coffee it was.  After a while the despair I felt closing in on me started to relax a bit, the paper was full of doom and gloom with a bit of celebrity gossip thrown in.  I was still feeling very very low and down but began to think about the daughter and what effect my actions would have on her.
I went home, to veg out in front of the TV -  daughter rang, to check up on me - she does that a lot - probably bit too much.  She sang an silly song to me to cheer me up which has worked.  I've written this but not sure whether to post or not.

Few days later.....
I've decided to post this - it's my blog and I can post what I want when I want - so good days and bad days will be mentioned.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Feeling déjà vu

Having returned to work after two weeks I had my appointment with the occupational health - bit late really but had to be done, they are recommending I work mostly nights as I'm still not sleeping.

The roster for the next few weeks is out, next's weeks shifts have been changed - I'm being sent to another site again.  I'm dreading it as that was what tipped me over the edge last time.  Those doing the roster just don't care, they just want the shifts covered.  I've an extra two shifts on the roster as well.

Must go into work and just say CHILL.  

Not easy but I'm Learning to Chill !!